Social Media Management

We maximize online impact through strategic and engaging social media management.

Serviciile de marketing oferite de Webtopocket Suntem specializați în servicii de marketing online, printre care se numără gestionarea rețelelor de socializare, publicitatea pe platforme sociale, crearea de site-uri web, dezvoltarea de magazine online, întreținerea site-urilor web, optimizarea vitezei site-urilor și Google Ads

Elevate your social media presence to the next level with the help of our social media management team.

Facebook și Instagram Ads: cum să-ți promovezi afacerea online

How to Improve Your Social Media Presence

How to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Our team will help you strengthen your presence on social networks through research-based strategies and attractive content that will keep your brand.

Social Network Management Services: Commitment for Success, Monthly Publications and Reporting, Guaranteed Positive Results

Social Network Management Services: Commitment for Success, Monthly Publications and Reporting, Guaranteed Positive Results

Our team is committed to guaranteeing your success, starting with an initial launch call and continuing by publishing your first posts on social networks. We offer regular reporting and checks to keep you up to date and on track. We take responsibility for the results of our customers and you can expect a constant flow of positive results.

Serviciile de marketing oferite de Webtopocket Suntem specializați în servicii de marketing online, printre care se numără gestionarea rețelelor de socializare, publicitatea pe platforme sociale, crearea de site-uri web, dezvoltarea de magazine online, întreținerea site-urilor web, optimizarea vitezei site-urilor și Google Ads

Presence Management on Social Networks – Vertebral Column of the Marketing Strategy for a Successful Business

Presence Management on Social Networks – Vertebral Column of the Marketing Strategy for a Successful Business

More than half of consumers turn to social networks to find out information about new brands, which makes presence management an essential component of a successful business marketing strategy. At Webtopocket, we see the management of the presence on social networks as the backbone of our approach, with data that support the strategy. That is why we strive to excel in every aspect of our customers’ campaigns.

Effective Social Media Strategies: Attractive Content, Planning, Monitoring and Collaboration for Constant Results

Effective Social Media Strategies: Attractive Content, Planning, Monitoring and Collaboration for Constant Results

  1. Data-based strategy: Based on solid data, we can establish a social media strategy that is efficient and adapted to your needs.
  2. Attractive content: We create captivating content that attracts attention and keeps your brand in trend.
  3. Planning and organizing: We plan and organize your posts on social networks in a systematic way, so that you can get constant results.
  4. Monitoring and reporting: We monitor and report the evolution of your presence on social networks, so that you can make informed decisions.
  5. Collaboration and commitment: We work closely with you to help you achieve your goals and we are committed to being with you all the way to success.
Serviciile de marketing oferite de Webtopocket Suntem specializați în servicii de marketing online, printre care se numără gestionarea rețelelor de socializare, publicitatea pe platforme sociale, crearea de site-uri web, dezvoltarea de magazine online, întreținerea site-urilor web, optimizarea vitezei site-urilor și Google Ads



The package includes the following tasks:

  • Creating and optimizing profiles
  • Management of 2 social media platforms (Facebook + Instagram)
  • 2 posts/week (copywriting & visual design)

*editing images & videos is included

  • 2 stock photos/week included (if the customer does not provide materials)

*The client provides the photo & video materials

  • Share 2 posts in groups on social networks (joining groups is extra, with an additional cost of 10 euro/group)
  • 5 Comments on posts /week
  • Replies to 5 messages on social networks /month
  • 50 EURO included for boost 2 posts
  • Monthly report
  • Monthly content calendar – with client approval (a review included for changes to both text and visual content; additional changes = 20 euro/change).

Package price:

Contract 1 MONTH – 475 EURO

Contract 6 MONTHS – 450 EURO /month

Contract 1 YEAR 399 EURO /month


The package includes the following tasks:

  • 30-minutes consultation session /month
  • Manage 3 social media platforms of your choice
  • Creating and optimizing profiles
  • 4 Posts /week (copywriting & visual design)

*editing images & videos is included

  • 3 stock photos /week included (if the customer does not provide enough material)

*The client provides the photo & video materials

  • Sharing 3 posts/week in groups on social networks (joining groups is extra, with an additional cost of 10 euro/group)
  • Replies to 10 comments on posts /week
  • Replies to 10 messages on social networks /month
  • Monthly report
  • Monthly content calendar – with client approval (a review included for changes to both text and visual content; additional changes = 20 euro/change).


Package price:

Contract 1 MONTH – 589 EURO

Contract 6 MONTHS – 559 EURO /month

Contract 1 YEAR 489 EURO /month


The package includes the following tasks:

  • 45-minute consultation session /month
  • Management 5 platforms of your choice
  • Creating and optimizing profiles
  • 6 Posts /week (copywriting & visual design)

*editing images & videos is included

  • 5 stock photos /week (if the customer does not provide enough material)

*The client provides the photo & video materials

  • Share 5 posts/week in groups on social networks
  • Joining 3 profile groups per month on behalf of the business (joining more than 3 groups is extra, with an additional cost of 10 euros)
  • Replies to 20 comments posts /week
  • Replies to 15 messages on social networks /month
  • Monthly report
  • Monthly content calendar – with client approval (a review included for changes to both text and visual content; additional changes = 20 euro/change).

Package price:

Contract 1 MONTH – 889 EURO

Contract 6 MONTHS – 769 EURO /month

Contract 1 YEAR 689 EURO /month


  • EXTRA posts on social networks – 20 EURO / Post.
  • Shared posts EXTRA – 5 EURO /sharing.
  • Additional photos STOCK 5 EURO /each.


Social Media Profile Creation

Do you need the correct configuration of your social page? No problem – this is the plan for you!

  • Create profile
  • Completed bio details
  • Profile & cover images added to your profile
  • Adjusted settings for your industry

**It pays only once.


STARTER Kit for Social Media

Do you want to manage most of your activities on social networks alone, but do not know where to start? This is the right package for you!

  • Create profile
  • Completed bio details
  • Profile & cover images added to your profile
  • 1 Post strategy (for the first month)
  • Mini recommendations guide for posts and activities according to your niche
  • 15-minute consultation session
  • 1 Week of content created by us (3 posts for 2 profiles of your choice)

**It pays only once.


Content Kit for Social Media

Do not know what to post? Are you running out of time to post? Our content calendars are perfect for you.

We know that creating fresh content for your social networks can be intimidating and time consuming. We do this for you, and all you have to do is copy and post them on your social media platform.

Our Social Media Kit includes:

  • A complete calendar that covers all the content you need
  • Personalized content to reflect the distinct identity of your brand
  • Keywords adapted to attract the attention of the target audience
  • Set days and hours for each post, for a well-defined strategy
  • Relevant hashtags for greater visibility
  • Strategically selected emojis to stimulate interaction
  • Stock images to complement and visually enrich your online presence

**It pays only once.

10 posts 250 EURO

20 posts 389 EURO

30 posts 489 EURO

Do you want us to manage your social media profiles and you don't know what the procedures are or if we can help you?

Write to us now