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    Photo/video Services - Design

  • Client

    Clinica Veterinara Transilvania

  • Year


Clinica Veterinara Transilvania – www.cvtransilvania.ro

Welcome to our website dedicated to marketing and web services! We are proud to present our work dedicated to our partner, Transilvania Veterinary Clinic. Through our specialized services in graphics, photography and video, we have created an immersive online experience, highlighting the aesthetics and professionalism of the clinic. Where every detail underlines our commitment to quality and innovation. We invite you to explore and enjoy the results of our team in promoting and supporting our partners.









About Clinica Veterinara Transilvania

Our mission is to provide the best veterinary medical services, in a modern space, adapted to non-bearing and equipped with state-of-the-art technology, through a team of specialist doctors in continuous professional development.

At the same time, our goal is to create the perfect environment in which patients – their pets and their companions, to feel calm and in good hands. Whether it’s healing the quadrupeds or advising their owners.

And when a problem arises, our only goal becomes to find the solution and apply it. Because nothing makes us happier than to bring back the ”dat from the queue”, ”torsul” and the smile of those who cross our threshold.

Our vision

Our vision is to become an area reference center in veterinary medicine, to permanently raise the level of services offered to pets and increase their quality of life by educating, educating, informing and advising their owners on a continuous basis.

Our values


We are constantly connected with our partners, suppliers and customers. The collaboration goes beyond the medical-veterinary act itself and is transformed into open and transparent communication, trust and mutual availability. Because we all have a common goal: the good of pets.


We fully understand the mission we have undertaken. We know that most of the time we are the only solution and this makes us treat things extremely seriously. Whether it’s how we act as veterinarians or whether we’re getting into the role of animal owners counselors. Both tasks are equally important and define our work.

Constant learning

Our team is in the process of continuous medical-veterinary improvement and is always up to date with news, innovations and changes in the field. We also learn from every patient we have and from every case. We gather precious lessons from daily experiences – whether they are successful or sometimes mistakes – and thus we become better and stronger. We evolve. For the good of our patients.


Any medical act, implicitly the veterinary one, has a set of unwritten, moral and principle rules. It requires transparency, honesty, prioritization of the good of the patient and immediate action in this direction. Therefore, you will always have part in their application. Without exception.


There are three types of communication at Transilvania Veterinary Hospital. All three, based on the same rules: calm, open, constructive and effective communication. It is about communication in a team, communication between the doctor and the owners of the blind, but especially that special communication between the doctor and the pet.


In an environment as unpredictable as that of agitated and suffering non-believers, safety becomes a priority. Therefore, we always take care that all those present in the clinic (pets, owners, companions, medical professionals) are attentive and protected, and any risk – canceled or diminished.